Friday, January 23, 2009

Allow me to be "disgruntled".

Ryan has been doing much better in school this year. He is remembering, planning ahead, and yes, actually turning a few things past years those numerous "forgotten assignments" would have been flying out of my dryer in tiny little shreds - but this year, things have actually - improved! ...........Well, sort of.

Ryan has Geography and has been studying really hard (he aint dumb). Last quarter his class was required to learn all the countries in Africa - labeled and spelled correctly. Ryan could do this EASILY AND FAST. I was a proud mama. However, my crankiness started towards the end of the quarter when Ryan began studying for his final Africa test. I thought - no problem - Ryan is going to ACE this one - he had rattled off "countries" to me numerous times. Then comes the downfall......Ryan explained - that for the test they had to DRAW Africa freehand - and then label and spell all the countries. I AM SORRY.......but I know my way around a pencil....and I thought this a very hard and unnecessary task. Ryan - a super kid - and a GOOD geographer, sadly - cannot draw worth a crap! So we practiced, and practiced, he tried...........I complained....and then we tried some more. End of story......D on the test. He ended up getting a C in the class.....truth is - THAT KID KNEW THOSE COUNTRIES LIKE THE BACK OF HIS HAND!
Please........... allow me to be disgruntled.

Saturday, January 10, 2009