Sunday, June 22, 2008

Boise Wheelchair Camp - Top Male Athlete

Libbi took Ryan up to Boise ID, for a wheelchair sports camp. The camp was Wednesday - Saturday. She took Olivia, Isaac and Annie with her. They stayed at her brother's home (Joe is in the picture above in green). Libbi's mom, sisters and aunts also came for part of the trip. They had a great time.

Ryan was able to play basketball, tennis, soccer, track and field, fish, canoe and a few other sports. The low part of the trip was Arts and Crafts(retarded!). The high part was being voted the "Top Male Athlete".


JGEM said...

So, who wrote this post... Wayne or Ryan?

Heidi said...

It is quite odd to find out how many cousins have blogs... I had no idea!

Anyway, good job to Ryan!


I was forwarded you blog and am excited to be able to keep in touch better. Good job Ryan!...Jana