Friday, January 23, 2009

Allow me to be "disgruntled".

Ryan has been doing much better in school this year. He is remembering, planning ahead, and yes, actually turning a few things past years those numerous "forgotten assignments" would have been flying out of my dryer in tiny little shreds - but this year, things have actually - improved! ...........Well, sort of.

Ryan has Geography and has been studying really hard (he aint dumb). Last quarter his class was required to learn all the countries in Africa - labeled and spelled correctly. Ryan could do this EASILY AND FAST. I was a proud mama. However, my crankiness started towards the end of the quarter when Ryan began studying for his final Africa test. I thought - no problem - Ryan is going to ACE this one - he had rattled off "countries" to me numerous times. Then comes the downfall......Ryan explained - that for the test they had to DRAW Africa freehand - and then label and spell all the countries. I AM SORRY.......but I know my way around a pencil....and I thought this a very hard and unnecessary task. Ryan - a super kid - and a GOOD geographer, sadly - cannot draw worth a crap! So we practiced, and practiced, he tried...........I complained....and then we tried some more. End of story......D on the test. He ended up getting a C in the class.....truth is - THAT KID KNEW THOSE COUNTRIES LIKE THE BACK OF HIS HAND!
Please........... allow me to be disgruntled.


Kassie said...

I flippin hate stuff like that!!!! Why would they need to draw the entire country??? It is like making B learn to sew a flippin pencil box! Sometimes the system is completely screwed up!

nielsons*love*family said...

for the love! that is the most ridiculous thing EVER! i think i would've called someone to complain!!!! :O(

Laura said...

I'm a teacher, and I would have complained!!! NO ONE in their right mind needs to know how to free hand draw a country! I would complain! I mean I hate when parents do it, but seriously that has nothing to do with geography, i mean if you really want them to know the shape of each country them have them do a puzzle! Geez, now I'm disgruntled too!
If he has to learn all the countries in the world, this could help! (My kids are learning it for fun!)

Libbi said...

Thanks all for backing me up! I did email the teacher and told her that "dexterely"(sp) Ryan was not going to shine....she didn't email me back, and didn't seem to concure(sp) because he had to freehand draw the middle east as well....another flop - and then the quarter quickly ended with a C without me confronting her. If she requires it again this quarter....I'M STOMPING IN. I don't ever like to complain - but I was so disappointed. I thought we had the A for sure.