Thursday, February 19, 2009

Olivia turns 10 today (Feb.19th) and Isaac turned 7 yesterday (Feb.18th).
Olivia loves to play soccer, and really - all sports. She is an excellent student who really likes to do her best, but has always excelled at recess - where she plays hard every day. Lately she has also "taken" to ballet, and enjoys having Jamie as her teacher. Olivia likes new clothes and going out to eat (she gets that from me). She is a great big sister to Annie. Olivia likes to "retire" early....she turns into a "pumpkin" (along with Wayne) around 9:00, and off she goes to bed. I always wanted a girl with brown eyes.....I'm happy to say she's my brown eyed beauty. I love being her mom.
Isaac is a "great ball of energy" - constantly on the go. He often says he gets so hungry he can't breathe. Isaac, loves to motorcycle ride, ski, and he loves "front lawn" football games with Ryan. Isaac apparently calms down long enough to sit in school, because his teachers say he is a meticulous student with excellent handwriting and art skills. He is also a top reader. I've said before, Isaac is a great cuddler....and I love when he sneaks into our bed in the morning. However, Isaac's not a "morning dude" - it's hard to get him up for school.....but once he is up - he likes to be the first one at the bus!
Happy Birthday to Hannah, Michael, Jill, and Aunt Becky, who all have birthdays this week as well!


The Johnson's said...

Happy Birthday to you two cuties. It's been fun to see Olivia at ballet.

Laura said...

Hope you get to have a big football game and then go out to eat to celebrate!

Kassie said...

Happy Birthday to both! I didnt even know their b-days were that close together, how slow am I!!

nielsons*love*family said...

happy happy birthday children dear, happy days to you all year ...doesn't the primary song go something like that??
*you forget to mention jill holt! LOL..isn't she like family???

Mrs. Poff said...

Olivia we loved having you boys loved playing with always made them smile.Happy Birthday.

Libbi said...

Thanks all! for the good wishes.